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TradeMark Information

Use BACZONE Trademarks and Images in Your Next Promotion 

We encourage you to use the below banners and request our logo and any other trademarked graphical elements (available in .JPEG, .TIF, .GIF, .PDF, .AI and .PSD) for your professional events and other initiatives.  Please note, however, that after 10 years of significant investment in growing BACZONE with over 300,000 users worldwide, we must protect our assets and ask that you do too.  Here is the BACZONE trademark agreement:

Stay in Your Green Zone®, Green Zone®, and iDrinkSmarter™ are registered trademarks of BACZONE LLC. BACZONE LLC. grants colleges, universities, government agencices, and other non-profit institutions permission to use these trademarks in health promotion campaigns at no cost with the stipulation that the registered trademark sign is inserted after the mark and is accompanied by the following: the mark (s) “...are registered trademarks of BACZONE LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Please send samples of how you plan to use the marks on websites or on health promotion “giveaways to lmanzo@baczone.com. In most cases, we will be happy to have our registered trademarks used in conjunction with health promotion campaigns that promote low-risk drinking, however we reserve the right to deny permission to any individual or institution that is using the marks in ways that BACZONE LLC. deems inappropriate or inconsistent with its mission. “Stay in Your Green Zone and “Green Zone refer to estimated blood alcohol concentrations below .06 and should not be used to refer to other estimated levels of blood alcohol concentration.


Contact Us lmanzo@baczone.com

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